Project News

New Report on EU Migration to and from the UK
A new briefing report from Hub staff at the Migration Observatory has been released looking at EU migration to and from the UK. It examines how many EU migrants are there in the UK and how the migration of EU citizens has changed since Brexit.

Webinar to watch - CEU Democracy Institute on “What Do EU Values Mean to the Citizens in the EU?” featuring Charlotte O’Brien!
Central European University Democracy Institute held a webinar on 9th February 2022 looking at the questions “What Do EU Values Mean to the Citizens in the EU?” See the event page on the CEU website for more information.

Watch Charlotte O’Brien’s webinar with CELS: “The Great EU Citizenship Illusion Dispelled?”
The Centre for European Legal Studies webinar which took place on October 20th 2021 is now available in full on youtube. Watch it now to hear all about Professor Charlotte O’Brien’s paper on the CJEU judgment in C-709/20 CG.

Hub evidence contributes to House of Lords European Affairs Committee report
The House of Lords European Affairs Committee published its first report from its inquiry into the rights of EU Citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU. The EU Rights and Brexit hub contributed a range of evidence to the inquiry along with many other charities and organisations working with EEA nationals in the UK and UK nationals in the EU.

The Hub submitted evidence to the House of Lords European Affairs Committee
The Hub has submitted evidence to the House of Lords EU Affairs Committee’s inquiry on Citizens’ Rights. Find the full list of submissions on the Committee website.

New commentary: What now? The EU Settlement Scheme after the Deadline
The EU Rights and Brexit Hub co-investigator, Madeleine Sumption, has released a new commentary reflecting on the EU Settlement Scheme after the Deadline. You can read the commentary on the Migration Observatory website.

New Report: Local Authority Delivery of the EU Settlement Scheme
The EU Rights and Brexit Hub have released a new report on the central role of local authorities in rolling out the EUSS. As statutory public bodies, local authorities remain responsible for the delivery of housing, social care and public health. Local authorities are thus key stakeholders in the EUSS process and were tasked by the Home Office with coordinating the local implementation of the scheme.

New report from the hub: Emergency measures needed
The EU Rights and Brexit Hub have released a new report today on the emergency measures that are required to ensure that many EU nationals are not wrongfully exposed to the hostile environment. The deadline for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme (30th June 2021) is imminent.
Hub evidence informs letter to London Mayor on EU Citizens rights
Evidence provided by Hub investigators Charlotte O’Brien and Alice Welsh has informed a letter from the EU Exit Working Group to the London Mayor Sadiq Khan on EU Citizens rights.